Jay Gupta
An aspiring mathematician and computer scientist. Fan of technology and short stories.
Hello There!
Thanks for dropping by my personal website! My name is Jay Gupta and I am from the sunny city of San Jose, California. A Bay Area resident through and through, I am currently a junior at Stanford University working towards a Bachelors Degree in Computer Science.
My interests are diverse, but recently I have grown fascinated by Natural Language Processing and Generation particularly with respect to mechanistic interpretability. I am concerned about the future and looming existential risks ranging from AI Alignment to Nuclear Warfare. Still, I am optimistic that advances in deep learning will transform the world for the better. My driving force is the hope that my work will have a positive impact on individuals as real as you and me.
With that nugget of motivation out of the way, this site is intended to act as a digital diary---a record of my projects and interests over the years to come. I hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoy writing!